Sunday, January 10, 2016

"Bye Felicia" - JJ

Dear Diary,
JJ is 2 now. TWO. He’s a badass little dude. He’s also a little shit. Everyone says 3 is worse than 2 and I just cannot handle that information right now. Where did my sweet baby go?! I now have this little boy with a big attitude, a big vocabulary, and a banshee scream that makes anyone within ear shot want to claw their eyes out. I really feel like I need to write about this right now.  I have been “bye Felicia’d” by my own child! I tried to get him to come in the house while Josh was grilling, he pushed me in side, told me “bye” and then shut the my face. Is this real life? What the fuck. If you tell him not to do something he looks at you, nods his head, and says “ok?” Not cute, “yes, I understand mama.” It’s a mocking, finishing my sentence, neck role, “ooookaaaayy?” Asshole.  Nothing makes you feel as low as a toddler smacking you across the face. Parental abuse is real. I am a victim. He likes to test the limits. He likes to see how close he can get his feet to Rowan before I tell him not to kick, how hard he can “honk” her nose before I tell him to stop, how loud he can scream in her face before I grab him and tell him to stop being a little shit head to his sister. Yes, I cuss at my kids. I have no shame. Toddlerhood has been a challenge for me. I specifically remember disliking kids at this age when I was not a mom. Sadly, that dislike has not completely gone away. Don’t judge me, this is my diary. I love him, duh. And I like him most of the time. If you have a toddler then don’t kid yourself, these feelings are familiar to you. I will say, I’m proud of the little boy JJ is becoming. He’s smart, and head strong. He knows what he wants and when he wants it. These are amazing qualities to have when he’s older. Right now, it’s a huge pain in the tit.

                                                  Honestly, Mommy

Sometimes I get this JJ

Most of the time it's this JJ. This was Christmas morning by the way. Yea.

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